Our nursery is stocked with well grown hardy herbaecous perennials, shrubs, trees, herbs and alpines, many of which are suitable for coastal areas.
We also supply seasonal favourites throughout the year including bedding and basket plants.
- Bedding & Basket Plants
- Fruit Bushes
- Herbs & Alpines
- Plants for Coastal Areas
- Shrubs
- Herbaceous Plants
- Pond Plants
- Vegatable Plants
- Trees
- Christmas Trees (cut & pot grown)
- Wreaths
- Smokeless Coal, Seasoned Logs and Kindling
Bedding & Basket Plants
We pride ourselves in growing all our own seasonal bedding plants mostly from seed and cuttings, we use a good quality growing meduim with soil based slow release plant food and pinch out growing tips to form strong healthy plants. So our bedding plants are all natural.
You can choose from a variety of pre-filled hanging baskets.
We have a variety of different baskets and liners and a good selection of basket plants.
Vegetable Plants
Many different types of vegetable plants are grown on the nursery including tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers etc. We also supply seed potatoes, onion sets, garlic bulbs & vegetable seeds.

Plants for Coastal Areas
We stock many hardy shrubs ideal to our coastal location.
All plants are grown in stock beds outside to harden them off to the cold coastal wind, so they are ready for you to transplant straight into your garden

Herbs & Alpines
We stock the popular seasonal herbs when in season as well as the hardy lavenders & rosemary etc
We stock a good selection of alpines & dwarf perennials suitable for rockeries etc

A large selection of shrubs are available including many roses, climbing plants, conifers, ground cover, large specimen shrubs, hedging and grasses etc.
Herbaceous Plants
A large selection of herbaceous perennials are propagated and grown on the nursery for spring and early summer sales.

We stock a large selection of trees container grown including ornamental & fruit trees including patio fruit trees.
Christmas Trees and Wreaths
Cut and Pot Grown Christmas Trees and Wreaths

Fruit Bushes
We like to stock many different types of fruit, including all types of currants, strawberries, gooseberries, blueberries, figs, rhubarb, grapevines, raspberries etc

Solid Fuels
Smokeless Coal, Seasoned Logs and Kindling